How To Keep Your Skin Clear And Protected From Your Face Mask

About Me
Bothersome Blemishes? Tips From First-Hand Treatment

After struggling with severe acne and skin problems as a teen and young adult, I spent years working with a dermatologist to clear things up. Throughout the many appointments and consultations, I learned a lot about proper skin care and what to do to minimize my risk of breakouts. Many of the tips I learned are things you don't come across in many places, so I decided to create this site in the hopes that it would help others see that there's more you can do beyond the traditional over-the-counter creams and cleaning pads. I hope the information here keeps you from having to face another special event with the embarrassment of your skin problems.


How To Keep Your Skin Clear And Protected From Your Face Mask

13 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If the Coronavirus brought one thing to society it has been face asks. While face masks are a great way to shield yourself and others from spreading the virus, they can also damage your skin and cause a bunch of different things like irritation, acne, or even hives. If you have been suffering from any of these issues, then this article is just the thing for you. 

Wash Your Masks

Cloth face masks are great for a variety of reasons including that they are better for the environment, they are fairly breathable, and best of all, you can wash them. When you wear your mask all of the time, however, it can get sweat, makeup, dirt, and even bacteria in it which can cause a host of issues like hives and acne. Try getting into the habit of washing your face masks about once a day if you wear it a lot or once every other day. If you wear your face mask all day, then consider getting several cloth ones that you can switch out so that you aren't always doing laundry. 

Don't Get One That's Too Tight

When it comes to face masks, they are not a one size fits all kind of thing. In fact, you should get one that's either custom made to you or that's adjustable so that you can ensure that it's not too tight or too loose. If you have a face mask that's too tight on your face, it will cause you to sweat and won't make it breathable, which means that you are more likely to break out in a rash hives or even acne. As a rule of thumb, make sure that there is some space between your skin and the mask when you put it on. While you want the mask to be tight around the top of your nose and around the sides, you don't need it to sit close to your skin otherwise. 

Get a Breathable Mask

Another thing you want to look for is a mask that's breathable. Masks that are reusable and that are made of a fabric like cotton will be the most breathable and the easiest on your skin, plus they are effective as well. 

If you want to learn a little bit more about how you can take better care of your skin, reach out to a dermatologist in your area today.