How A Dermatologist Can Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

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Bothersome Blemishes? Tips From First-Hand Treatment

After struggling with severe acne and skin problems as a teen and young adult, I spent years working with a dermatologist to clear things up. Throughout the many appointments and consultations, I learned a lot about proper skin care and what to do to minimize my risk of breakouts. Many of the tips I learned are things you don't come across in many places, so I decided to create this site in the hopes that it would help others see that there's more you can do beyond the traditional over-the-counter creams and cleaning pads. I hope the information here keeps you from having to face another special event with the embarrassment of your skin problems.


How A Dermatologist Can Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

5 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you constantly have dark circles under your eyes, you may look tired or sick even when you're feeling well. Dark circles also detract from your appearance. Your attempts to cover them with concealer can give you a harsh appearance too. If you have dark circles that won't go away, you should visit a dermatologist for help. Here are some treatments he or she might try.

Treating The Cause

The first step is to determine why you have dark circles. If the condition is caused by irritated eyes because of allergies or if you have bags under your eyes from insomnia, then treating the cause should clear up your dark circles. The dermatologist may recommend medications to control your allergies or offer solutions that help you sleep. Once lifestyle and medical conditions have been ruled out, the dermatologist will determine if the dark circles are caused by excess pigment, blood vessels near the surface of the skin, or shadows caused by the contours of the skin near your eyes.

Using Fillers

One common cause of dark circles is a deep wrinkle in the tear trough that leads from the corner of the eye. The tear trough is the deep groove that leads from your tear duct and runs below your eye. If the trough is slight, it is barely noticeable. If the groove is deep, it makes it look like you have bags under your eyes and the shadow it casts gives you dark circles. Your dermatologist can treat this condition by injecting a gel filler into the groove to plump it up. When the groove is gone, the visual effect of eye bags and dark circles disappears.

Getting A Laser Treatment Or Bleaching

Laser treatments are sometimes used to get rid of dark circles, but the treatments are not suitable for everyone. The laser can zap small surface veins to reduce discoloration from excess blood vessels. It can also resurface the skin to get rid of wrinkles and excess pigmentation unless the pigment is too deep under the skin. Bleaching is an alternative treatment your dermatologist might want to try. The bleaching solution is applied to the skin to lighten it when it is dark from excess pigmentation on the surface.

Your dermatologist will evaluate your condition and consider what contributes to the problem when coming up with a treatment plan. If you have excess skin under your eyes or some other physical abnormality, you might even need surgery to get rid of your bags for good. On the other hand, the solution might be something as simple as getting your allergies under control. Since dark circles have many causes and can be treated in different ways, getting advice from a dermatologist is the best way to find fix that helps you look your best.